Deliberate efforts by the government to EXPOSE the poor man!!

Covid-19 is not a respector  of age, sex, culture, social class, level of income or any other human distinguishing factors. We are made to believe It attacks and kills both the rich and poor, the haves and have nots, those in government and those being governed, the law makers and the subjects of the law all in equal measure; this I refute! The virus attacks and kills both the rich and poor in unequal measures, especially when the rich are protected while the poor are exposed, or made to be exposed. While the government directives should be able to cushion and protect all citizens in equal measure, the case in Kenya is  different. Poor in my understanding means someone who survives on less than a dollar a day, that's if he is able to get the dollar. 
On 30 March, 2020, the daily nation newspaper recorded, " The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has moved to court seeking suspension of the dusk-to-dawn curfew and an order compelling Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe to provide more details on the country’s preparedness in tackling coronavirus." 
I agree with the lawyers lobby; government was issuing directives that were particularly harming the poor man. As we speak, Uhuru Kenyatta's government has killed 5 Kenyans in the name of curfew. As I note this, it is a crime warranting 6 months in jail not to wear a mask. The poor man in Kenya is not able afford a mask, the government with all the resources has not provided masks, but will jail the poor man instead of providing a mask; exposed before arrest, further exposed after arrest, the poor man!!!
Government through ministry of agriculture said there is no maize, hence the need to import more; did I say import, not buy from our poor farmers? Where did the "backbone of our economy" dissappear to. The government is unable to feed it's poor it times of crisis, but orders the poor to stay home, but he can't, he gets out there to look for food for few coins for food ; he is, exposed!!
Tax reductions have been well designed to benefit the rich. The crucial tax that affect the poor is VAT, which was reduced by 1%. This reduction has since not caused any significant change in the life of the poor man, essential commodities still costs the same; the reduction was for the screens, the poor man remains lied to and exposed. 
Well wishers donated food supplies to Kibra residents, government takes over the donation but fails to organize it in a way that the poor man is protected yet assisted; negligence however takes over, the poor man scrambles and dies in the process as government watches. The government has announced paragraphs of measures and while the poor man  expects to benefit, he ends up the victim. We set aside billions worth of resources, some from donations but all this to the poor man is a dream. Whatever coin is set aside to protect everyone ends up protecting the rich and exposing the poor but the virus will never chose. I am convinced that the government headed by President Kenyatta has proper plans to ensure the poor remains exposed, not only to hunger but also to the virus. It's high time the implimentation structures of government measures  are reviewed so that it captures the well-being of the Mp in Nairobi, the teacher at Molo, the cobbler at Kitui and the changaa seller at Turbo in equal measure; otherwise the poor man remains exposed!!!!

Victor Oyuko


  1. Good article 👍👍poor man has really been exposed,, thanks for speaking on behalf of us

  2. Such a nice article vic. Poor man has really suffered, not protect in any way, exposed to many dangers.

    Thanks for showing great concern on the less privileged.

  3. Kenya as a Country policies have always been made based on interest of class. Curfew at night is just for police officers to beat Kenyan Citizens and collect bribes. Demanding everyone to have a mask when not even a single mask has been distributed. We are a Crying Nation and soon the Country will get on its knees with this kind of leadership.

  4. Nice piece. Our voice counts

  5. Amazing Piece...keep it up.. speak for the voiceless

  6. 👍🏻 We need social protection for the masses

  7. Thanks for speaking the truth the poor people in Kenya are really suffering.keep it up


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