Murkomen, Kihika kicked out as Uhuru stamps authority at Jubilee

Kipchuma Murkomen and Susan Kihika

Earlier today, President Kenyatta chaired a Jubilee Party Parliamentary Group meeting( PG ) at statehouse which was attended by Jubilee senators. This followed a notice of the PG issued by statehouse on Sunday.

In a Press Release by statehouse on Monday 11th May 2020, Kenyans learnt of critical changes in the Jubilee leadership in Parliament, following the resolutions of the PG.

In the changes, Majority Leader in the Senate, Kipchumba Murkomen was plucked off his position and replaced with West Pokot Senator, Samuel Poghisio. ( KANU)

   West Pokot Senator Samuel Poghisio.

Majority Chief whip and Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika was also releaved of her duties and replaced with Murang'a Senator, Irungu Kang'ata.

Other contents of the agenda were not disclosed.

In  response to the changes in a letter to the speaker of the Senate, Senator Kihika said she didn't recognize the changes, that due process as required by the standing orders of parliament was not followed in instituting the changes. 

A section of Senator Kihika's letter to the speaker.

On his part Senator Murkomen expressed disbelief but promised his supporters more updates. 

Nakuru senator Susan Kihika and Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen at a press conference earlier today.

Opinion ; President Kenyatta has finally convened the much anticipated Jubilee PG, with one clear agenda of reorganizing the party leadership in parliament, and he had particular targets. 

Senator Murkomen and Senator Kihika have been staunch allies of the Deputy President who leads the Tanga Tanga faction of Jubilee. 

I'm not sure if the party  elections and the ongoing supremacy wars within Jubilee were part of the agenda - they ought to!!

Since the handshake, Uhuru has been struggling to lead a divided party, with divided members' loyalty. 

Uhuru needs total loyalty from the party, especially in pushing government agenda in Parliament but the Ruto led faction of Jubilee  within parliament seems to have  withdrawn this loyalty, following the Handshake. 

In foreseeing future troubles in legacy, peaceful retirement and hand over, the President decided to "tame" the political figures who showed express disregard to his visions as Party leader
and President.

In missing the PG outrightly with No apologies, Senator Kihika and Senator Murkomen who were Ruto's mouthpieces in Senate have just confirmed their long-term disregard for the authority of President Kenyatta. They have demonstrated it before. 

Uhuru has also hinted at possibilities of Future collaboration with KANU, having settled on Senator Poghisio to replace Murkomen of Jubilee - Tanga Tanga. 

A time comes when a  leader simply needs to stamp authority, so as to maintain the respect, loyalty and support by the led, in delivering his agenda. A leader uproots rebellion and chops off unnecessary leadership branches. 

In stamping authority, the law is suspended because it's the same law your subjects might use to outplay and overthrow your leadership and sabotage your agenda. Uhuru is being that leader. 

It is a message to Ruto that "taking control" of the Party is not possible when there is an existing party leader. 

Victor Oyuko
The Vic Report.


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