Mombasa Politics: Talks of Joho grooming Shahbal to succeed him

Raila Odinga and Suleiman Shahbal at Shahbal's Mombasa residence.

Is Suleiman Shahbal in place to succeed Joho?

The fight against covid-19  in Mombasa county under the leadership of Governor Hassan Joho has seemed to attract much public attention as the 47 counties are all putting measures to contain the deadly virus.
The public is perhaps impressed because the interventions being put by  Governor Joho to contain covid-19 are commendable, or rather admirable compared to what other counties are doing, ( the details are not important here).

However, in the course of  leading the fight against covid-19, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho seems to have got a new "working partner", his close political rival Hon. Suleiman Shabal. Suleiman Shabal has been Joho's right hand man in rolling out various programs aimed at cushioning the people of Mombasa from the effects covid-19 and those to help them stay safe from the virus, they've launched and supervised covid-19 related developments. He has also given his  personal donation to support the course. Shahbal has also supported Joho's plan to mobilize food for more than 200,000 vulnerable residents.

While this is a time to come together and that's basically what Joho and Shahbal could be doing, the succession debate began when Shahbal posted  his photo with Raila Odinga on Facebook and said, " We had long discussions
with Raila Odinga on how best
we can revive our economy
with job creation and economic incentives post-Corona
and SGR. We must prepare for
the future"

From the post, Kenyans on social media immediately baptised Shahbal the undisputable Joho successor, with the perception that with Raila Odinga's support, the ODM ticket for Mombasa Governor was guaranteed being that Mombasa is a ODM zone.

Such talk is justified, actually it would be a dream come true for Shahbal, having lost( on Jubilee ticket) to Joho in the 2013 and 2017 gubernatorial elections. He will have a chance to deliver to the people of Mombasa what he has had for them for the last 8 years, his supporters will also a chance to have their way; but Shahbal being governor may remain just what it is, a dream.

Shahbal has been the Jubilee man in Mombasa, especially the gubernatorial politics and still is. If he decides to maintain his loyalty and contest on Jubilee ticket, it's only obvious that ODM will field a candidate and that's where the support of Raila Odinga will lie. This puts his dream at stake; who beats ODM in Mombasa? Definitely not Shabal.

Shahbal has an obligation to the Jubilee party. If he decides to decamp, with hopes of the ODM ticket, he will land into a hot ODM nomination contest, since Mombasa County already has strong ODM MPs, who are not only ODM life members, but also aspirants for Mombasa Governor. At this point, Shabal has to struggle and get substantial support within party ODM Members, especially as a one time Jubilee Member.

As Joho leaves office, his preferred successor should be one who would still take care of his business and political interests within the County. Joho has proven to be seeing a leader in Shahbal, the people of Mombasa can easily vote him( if things are put into place), they are actually happy when the two are working together, but the decision to back Shahbal lies squarely on Joho himself. Politicians will always take care of their interest first, after all politics is all about interest. Can He trust Shabal to take care of such interests?

It's progressive for leaders to put political differences aside and work collaboratively to ensure citizens are protected and supported through difficult times; it would be reassuring and encouraging to see Joho and Shahbal work together beyond 2022.

Interestingly,  the Dynamics of politics and the thousands of underlying issues to what we just see may prove to us one day that the "working relationship"  between Joho and Shahbal was just for the moment, to steal the show and to fight covid-19.

Victor Oyuko
Political Blogger


  1. Politricks as you and i know...

  2. And who is being groomed to take over from Raila

  3. But politics has always been politics

  4. Joho is a real evidence of good leadership.He has been a person to emulate in so far as leadership is concerned.He is bold and articulate.If he picks on a person who he believes can fit his shoe what is left is Mombasa residents to make a decision by voting.


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