Ungrateful Sonko; plans to sabotage Nairobi Metropolitan Service amid covid-19

Right : Nairobi Metropolitan Services Director General Maj. Gen Mohammed Badi. Left: Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko

It captures sincere attention to learn that Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko has refused to assent to the Ksh. 15bn Nairobi city County  budget as passed by the county assembly;

Regardless of the reasons for refusing to okay the urgently needed money, not only by the county but also by the Nairobi Metropolitan service to run crucial functions, it is clearly indifferent for Sonko to sit on such crucial allocation at a time the nation is doing all which is possible to make money available for the fight against covid-19.

 In defending his stand, " The amendments by the
Assembly to the bill that gives rise to these
irregular transfers and allocation was done
without the input of the county executive
committee member of finance contrary to
provisions of Public Finance Management
Act,” Sonko said.
It is unreasonable to rubbish an important budget bill passed by his county assembly just because a CEC failed to give input. I believe the assembly did all it is required to do in passing the urgent budget bill, regardless of whether the relevant CEC is willing to be part of the process or not. The best Sonko can do at this stage as responsible leader was to sign the bill and let the money do it's work. The bill also proposed the transfer of all support services of key functions to the Nairobi Metropolitan Service. In response to this, "  The blanket transfer of all the support
functions to NMS will deny the remaining
functions the same ancillary services they
require to deliver services'', he said.

Sonko should be greatful to President Kenyatta for saving him from impeachment and work with everyone within the new establishments for the benefit of the people of Nairobi, especially at this time. Let it be remembered that on 25th February, 2020, a happy Sonko, finally free from the corridors of Justice and the impeachment attempt, willingly entered an agreement with the National Government to transfer key functions from his grip.

Under the agreement, the
National government will take over health,
transport, public works, utilities and ancillary services, planning and development
functions. He released the functions, but now doesn't want to release supportive money and services to the Nairobi Metropolitan Service. Isn't that sabotage?

Sonko is on record rejecting the redeployment of 6000 county workers to the Nairobi Metropolitan Service. This to me was a great idea, since those where 6000 jobs saved and possibly families provided for, but Sonko whose "street" kind of leadership took Nairobi to it's knees and was due for impeachment thinks it is okay to create another 6000 jobless Kenyans for his God knows reasons.

As it stands, Sonko has demonstrated some kind of entitlement for special treatment. He has shown that transferring the functions was a mistake he made; he wishes he didn't. He misses the control and the no-deputy kind of leadership. That's why he is out to undermine any little progress by government and other institutions to provide services to the people of Nairobi. He says he is the "simba" who cannot work with anyone apart from himself.

Nairobi needs the best, being that it's at the centre of covid-19 infections but Sonko feels nothing should be going on; his ego must be massaged.

I hope the president is watching from statehouse, some discipline needed here. Sonko must let Nairobi move forward!!

Victor Oyuko


  1. So should Sonko sideline the constitution because UK saved him? Sonko is basically doing what he is good at. Rebellion.

    1. It's a matter of doing what's important for the people of Nairobi. Sabotaging the NMS, Uhuru's project is gross disrespect.


    2. I think sonko is trying to tell DG that he was elected not appointed so he still holds all the powers bestowed upon him by the people of Nairobi county. The fact that UK helped him does not mean that he should subdue to anything said by the DG.

  2. I have to state that Sonko need to act with humanity but he is tied because failing to adhere to what is stated in the laws of the land may bring him more troubles with the DPP and DCI.
    Let the due process be followed.Its until then that GVN.Sonko will Ascent.

  3. There comes a time when the people must harshly learn from their dwarf choices the hard way

  4. Why is he standing in the way of progress during this tough time...The president ought to do something about it


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