"You fired Gumbo from KNH for fear of Competition in 2022," Kuria tells Raila.

Right: Moses Kuria, Left: Raila Odinga
Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria has launched a vitriolic attack on the ODM party leader Raila Odinga, accusing him of being behind the firing of Nicholas Gumbo as Chairman Kenyatta National Hospital Board.

In a gazzete notice dated 21, April 2020, President Kenyatta releaved the Former Rarieda MP of his duties and immediately replaced him with George Ooko Opondo who will serve for 3 years. However, He never gave reasons for doing so.

In response to this, Moses Kuria said Raila Odinga was behind the firing of Mr. Gumbo to "extinguish his light" ahead of 2022.

"Why did you fire Nicholas Gumbo as Chairman Kenyatta National Hospital? Is it because he will beat Oburu Odinga ( Raila's brother)  for Siaya Governor 2022? .." he asked, in a Facebook post seemingly directed to the former premier.

Kenyatta National Hospital has been at the center of controversy after Profilic Writer Ken Walibora lost his after being hit by a vehicle, and was not attended to in time by the hospital.

This is assumed to be the reason behind the head of state's latest move. He might be justified in his capacity as the country's chief executive to restore order where he feels it's not, to discipline negligence.

Moses Kuria is a close ally of the Deputy President and a sworn critique of Raila Odinga.

His attacks are always expected, but playing hateful, baseless politics with matters of grave importance as that of KNH isn't plausible.

He is basically referring to the President as someone who cannot make his own decisions, this to me is disrespect.

Victor Oyuko


  1. I think it's true we've seen Raila influence Uhuru's decisions before, similar to the case of Denis Itumbi and his colleague fired from State House because it is in the clear they are allied to the deputy president. I do not see any fault in it as politics is a strategy game and that's what Raila has started doing.

  2. It is influence form Mr cause have seen our former mintust

  3. It seems the president can't make any decision without someone politicising it. I think this was a matter of competency. It only came to the public eye that knh was incompetent due to Ken Walibora who is a public figure. I would there are many common wananachis who have suffered there without their stories ever going public. I support the president on this one...if Gumbo couldn't keep control on his staff then he better be replaced for the better good

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if what Kuria is saying is true.

    Remember when Echesa dared Raila to fire him...what happened ?

  5. Tanga tanga wameanza kutangatanga

  6. May not be true..Raila has absolutely no constitutional ma date to fire any government employee, The presidency is an independent arm of government and the enigma isn't part of it.

    So Moses Kuria's tuntrums are misguided and may be termed as the last kicks of a dying horse hanging on a straw to save its dear life..


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