On the 3rd of April, 2020, the Daily Nation newspaper had in it's headlines a sounding warning to Kenyans, "stop dancing with death". Kenyans seemed not to have listened. The dance had just began. Kenya and the world at Large has been hit by a unexpected, cruel and life-changing pandemic, covid-19. The world economy with the confession of the World bank is on its knees. Business has  stopped, school has been stopped, entertainment has stopped, production ha stopped, everything is at a standstill. Kenya is no exception of such diverse impacts. Lives have been lost in thousands, the global infections almost hitting 2M. Wait, did 5 Kenyans just die of covid 19 in the United States? Just 3 weeks ago we reported the first case in Kenya; the dance with death began,,oh yes, we already knew this was death from world news but we proudly gave landing rights to a foreign plane with  239 passengers of Chinese origin; Uhuru Kenyattas government fearecely defended itself and said it was "in the best interest of the country", and just like that it was here with us. We imported it. God knows what Happened to the whistle blower about the plane. It is at that time that wisdom demanded immediate socioeconomic measures to contain the virus before it could establish further grounds; the World Health Organization had already dispatched guidelines for preventing spread of covid-19, the economic impact world wide was already manifesting clearly. But back in Kenya, it was all a movie( for Christ's sake, we had already seen what the virus was doing out there) ,our parliament was at home, politicians till holding BBI rallies, life was usual and the dance with death continued. Fast forward to within the last one week, the government ( thumbs up) has put out various stringent measures; social, economic, legal and yet to see legislative measures among many others ( though late) to try contain the virus which to date has infected 216 people, the government confidently projecting 10000 infections by May. Kenyans have been well educated and informed about covid-19 preventive measures but "if only we could listen.." says one pastor I bumped on in YouTube. I'd rather still lock myself in a drinking den and drink my ass out through the night in a company of friends, some being police officers, it normal and the dance must continue. The government contained Nairobi metropolitan Area, Mombasa, Kwale and Kilifi counties in a bid to limit spread of the from and to the virus " hotspots". But who are Kenyans, we are the people who escape road blocks and craft our ways into the restricted places, not aware that defiance puts us at more risk than compliance, we chose to do as we please because after all the music is so sweet and the dance must go on. The virus silently sneaked to Garissa, Nakuru, Kiambu and Machakos counties; the president however did not see the need of similarly containing these new counties to limit further spread to other counties and guess what, as I pen this down, the virus is already in close to half the counties, the dance gets sweeter, life goes on. The government had effected regulations that makes putting on masks in public mandatory, masks which the government hasn't provided. SRC on the other hand says the motivation allowance for our health workers in counties is illegal and should be withdrawn. Our health workers have basically gloves and masks for protection, which is so flimsy when it comes to staying safe from covid-19; this is a pure dance with death. Apart from donations from well wishers, the ordinary Kenyan at Muranga, Busia, Kayole, Mandera , Kisii etc is hungry, and has no mask, he can't stay at home, he goes out to work, risking himself, the little he gets goes directly to food. A mask here is not a necessity. The ignorance displayed by Kenyans is already so heartbreaking to talk about. What is Kenya? Kenya is where we hear of death, wait for it it come and welcome it do a dance,,we will surely dance to the and maybe above the government's projection of 10000, which I'm not sorry to say it is slowly propelling us towards. The sluggishness is yet to cost us and things are yet to start. This fight depends on you, forget the imperfect government. We will bury bodies in thousands if you don't stop the stupid dance, get the fuck home and stay there. Your sister will die if you don't still observe social distance. You are already killing your wife as you sit in that matatu without a mask. You are sweeping out your family by failing to quarantine when you are supposed to and you still disregarding government directives on covid-19 prevention, is the murderer we've been looking for. Meanwhile, we are still Kenyans, the dance with death continues.

Victor Oyuko.


  1. Tough times are yet to come if we won't consider the precautionary measures but we have faith in God that things will soon work out well.

  2. It is unbelievable that as the deaths and infections continue to hyke,the government is still reluctant to impose a total lockdown. But I believe we've a God who shall never forsake us. # we shall overcome.

  3. About the corona virus, may God intervene upon us and help us. But it is very unfair that some government officials use money meant to help the needy for their own benefit


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