Homework that ODM needs to do in 2021

The Raila Odinga led  orange party is no doubt the biggest political party in Kenya. We can trace its roots back to the 2005 referendum in which Raila was opposed to the proposed constitutional change. He converted the opposing wing into a political party, ODM. 

ODM thrived through 2013 and 2017 elections. In 2018,  ODM found itself in a handshake which now looks like a political pact between Odinga's party and the ruling Jubilee party led by President Kenyatta. The collaboration has manifested in many ways, the latest being Msambweni parliamentary by-election  where Ruto's independent candidate won against the ODM cum handshake candidate. This put ODM on the political radar, attracting profound negative perceptions about the party's influence not only in coast politics but also national politics. ODM Lost lost the third By-election after Embakasi south and Ugenya. 

A single election shouldn't be used to measure the party's nation wide influence but a loss in a perceived ODM stronghold with state backing raises numerous questions of strategy, leadership and organisation about the Orange party. However, all is not lost. Just a little homework would help Raila's party regain it's Glory. 

The national ODM leadership is the immediate image of the party that Kenyans see. ODM needs a leadership that can influence public perception of the party positively through informed and wise leadership and character.  A leadership that exposes the party to attacks from opponents and the people as seen from Msambweni needs an immediate overhaul. 

ODM should fashion it's brand of politics ahead of 2022 as  accommodative, just and considerate to everyone, especially the most ordinary people at the grassroots. The party should sell principles that can easily resonate with the masses. This will attract a positive reception of the party among the electorate amidst all political circumstances. 

Raila Odinga should start to position himself as exiting. He should encourage younger party members and leaders to prepare to take up positions in the near future. This will present the party as progressive and save it from dynastical perceptions. 

It's time to revive ODM's revolutionary and reform credentials. Much is still in a mess in the country. Change is of most importance to the people. But ODM's collaboration with Jubilee has silenced such voices within the party. The handshake should not be an obstacle in championing for a better Society. 

Finally, ODM should prove to be as Independent as possible from state control. To be associated with a oppressive state only portrays ODM as a oppressive party. ODM should be pushing for a just and free society. 

For ODM to achieve progress in 2021, the above are issues it should consider. 

The By-elections that are lined up early this year will test ODM's preparedness for 2022, especially parliamentary and Presidential elections.


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