
Showing posts from April, 2020

"You fired Gumbo from KNH for fear of Competition in 2022," Kuria tells Raila.

Right: Moses Kuria, Left: Raila Odinga Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria has launched a vitriolic attack on the ODM party leader Raila Odinga, accusing him of being behind the firing of Nicholas Gumbo as Chairman Kenyatta National Hospital Board. In a gazzete notice dated 21, April 2020, President Kenyatta releaved the Former Rarieda MP of his duties and immediately replaced him with George Ooko Opondo who will serve for 3 years. However, He never gave reasons for doing so. In response to this, Moses Kuria said Raila Odinga was behind the firing of Mr. Gumbo to "extinguish his light" ahead of 2022. "Why did you fire Nicholas Gumbo as Chairman Kenyatta National Hospital? Is it because he will beat Oburu Odinga ( Raila's brother)  for Siaya Governor 2022? .." he asked, in a Facebook post seemingly directed to the former premier. Kenyatta National Hospital has been at the center of controversy after Profilic Writer Ken Walibora lost his after being hit by a

Opinion; The Nurses are our last hope in the fight against covid-19.

 Nurses during a past nurses strike. The unforeseen covid-19 thud has hit our country and exposed a great shortfall in the  health work force in our health institutions country wide. There has arisen urgent need for extra personnel to bridge the gap as the inevitable  demand for  Heath care providers grows, in efforts to contain the rapidly spreading disease. In response to this crisis, the President directed for the release of Ksh. 1bn to hire more health workers and another 2.6bn to be used in enhancing the welfare of health workers, including unpaid salaries. Forming part of the vast and diverse health workers body are the nurses. Nurse are the only cadre of health professionals specifically trained to care for the patients; they handle the patients directly from admission to discharge, they are in direct contact and are therefore exposed to whatever conditions Patients could be suffering from, including covid-19. Nurses form a part of our forefront solders in the fight

Mombasa Politics: Talks of Joho grooming Shahbal to succeed him

Raila Odinga and Suleiman Shahbal at Shahbal's Mombasa residence. Is Suleiman Shahbal in place to succeed Joho? The fight against covid-19  in Mombasa county under the leadership of Governor Hassan Joho has seemed to attract much public attention as the 47 counties are all putting measures to contain the deadly virus. The public is perhaps impressed because the interventions being put by  Governor Joho to contain covid-19 are commendable, or rather admirable compared to what other counties are doing, ( the details are not important here). However, in the course of  leading the fight against covid-19, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho seems to have got a new "working partner", his close political rival Hon. Suleiman Shabal. Suleiman Shabal has been Joho's right hand man in rolling out various programs aimed at cushioning the people of Mombasa from the effects covid-19 and those to help them stay safe from the virus, they've launched and supervised covid-19 rel

Sakaja covid-19 bill; landlords to agree with tenants on rent terms.

  Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja A month down the line since the covid-19 thud hit us, parliament had not conducted any formal sitting to discuss measures to handle the pandemic. MPs have since been accused of abandoning Kenyans in times of crisis. After series of public uproar, parliament resumed and Senate already began with the Covid-19 Pandemic Bill. The Covid-19 Pandemic Bill was proposed by Nairobi senator Johnson Sakaja. It aims at putting in strategies to cushion the most vulnerable citizens from the harsh economic impacts of Covid-19. However, the bill as moved by Sakaja seems to put greater emphasis on cushioning the Tenants as well as landlords who he said should be cushioned in equal measure. " We look forward to protecting the landlords too, they've also been hit adversely," he said. Expounding on the bill, Sakaja said the bill seeks to provide an avenue where the landlords and tenants can negotiate and agree on rent payment terms friendly to both of

Ungrateful Sonko; plans to sabotage Nairobi Metropolitan Service amid covid-19

Right : Nairobi Metropolitan Services Director General Maj. Gen Mohammed Badi. Left: Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko It captures sincere attention to learn that Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko has refused to assent to the Ksh. 15bn Nairobi city County  budget as passed by the county assembly; Regardless of the reasons for refusing to okay the urgently needed money, not only by the county but also by the Nairobi Metropolitan service to run crucial functions, it is clearly indifferent for Sonko to sit on such crucial allocation at a time the nation is doing all which is possible to make money available for the fight against covid-19.  In defending his stand, " The amendments by the Assembly to the bill that gives rise to these irregular transfers and allocation was done without the input of the county executive committee member of finance contrary to provisions of Public Finance Management Act,” Sonko said. It is unreasonable to rubbish an important budget bill passed by his

Deliberate efforts by the government to EXPOSE the poor man!!

Covid-19 is not a respector  of age, sex, culture, social class, level of income or any other human distinguishing factors. We are made to believe It attacks and kills both the rich and poor, the haves and have nots, those in government and those being governed, the law makers and the subjects of the law all in equal measure; this I refute! The virus attacks and kills both the rich and poor in unequal measures, especially when the rich are protected while the poor are exposed, or made to be exposed. While the government directives should be able to cushion and protect all citizens in equal measure, the case in Kenya is  different. Poor in my understanding means someone who survives on less than a dollar a day, that's if he is able to get the dollar.  On 30 March, 2020, the daily nation newspaper recorded, " The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has moved to court seeking suspension of the dusk-to-dawn curfew and an order compelling Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe to prov


THE DANCE WITH DEATH CONTINUES.. On the 3rd of April, 2020, the Daily Nation newspaper had in it's headlines a sounding warning to Kenyans, "stop dancing with death". Kenyans seemed not to have listened. The dance had just began. Kenya and the world at Large has been hit by a unexpected, cruel and life-changing pandemic, covid-19. The world economy with the confession of the World bank is on its knees. Business has  stopped, school has been stopped, entertainment has stopped, production ha stopped, everything is at a standstill. Kenya is no exception of such diverse impacts. Lives have been lost in thousands, the global infections almost hitting 2M. Wait, did 5 Kenyans just die of covid 19 in the United States? Just 3 weeks ago we reported the first case in Kenya; the dance with death began,,oh yes, we already knew this was death from world news but we proudly gave landing rights to a foreign plane with  239 passengers of Chinese origin; Uhuru Kenyattas government fea