The Late Billionare Tecra Muigai and the Beards man Omar; what you need to know!!

Tecra Muigai and her lover Omar Lali

Like every other woman, Tecra Muigai was destined to fall in love and her heart lived to chose Omar Lali the beach boy from Lamu.

Omar has been arrested and is currently being held in custody for 21 days as investigation into the controversial death of Tecra Muigai proceeds.

Omar Lali in detention awaiting investigation into Tecra's death.

Until his arrest, Lali worked as a boat operator, transporting tourists to luxurious retreats in places like Kiwayu. It's in one of these boat rides he met the heiress to Keroche Breweries.

Tecra and Lali lived together at a local hotel before moving to an apartment in March. 

It is in this apartment Tecra is said to have fallen down the stairs while intoxicated, an event whose impacts she later succumbed to.

Lali was born in a poor family in the isolated island of Kizingitini in Lamu East. Fishing was the only means of earning a living he had learnt and practiced as he grew up into his youth, before he learnt boat operation.

His relatives say he has children with three other wives.

He became famous  for his long grey Beard and his ability to master international languages including French, German and Dutch.

Tecra and Lali had been living together as a couple for 2 years and had already gone to Tecra's home in Naivasha to seek blessings to tie the knot.

Tecra's parents, the Karanja's rejected the Union but Tecra vowed to stand her ground because she loved Lali.

Lali is said to have met Tecra after she was detained for failing to pay a 10k bill for drinks and accomodation at
Peponi hotel in Lamu.

Lali had gone to drop of tourist lagguage at the hotel, before he noticed Tecra- he had dropped her off a few days back, and decided to bail her out. 

It is from there they developed some camaraderie - close friendship, which later developed into an intimate relationship.

Before taking in Tecra, Lali already had children with foreign women, whom he met and befriended in his line of duty - transporting visiting tourists to retreats. They were Italian, German and Dutch.

Lali's parents are now asking for the release of their son. They say Lali is not a criminal and that the Karanja's were aware of the relationship.

Victor Oyuko
The Vic Report.


  1. Thanks for sharing the details about the death of Tecra and her love life affair. May her soul rest in peace

  2. Thank you for this informative info

  3. Thanks for this good piece

  4. At times we just need not to follow our heart

  5. Very informative article that has shed light on a lot.
    Great article


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