South B at risk of Mass covid-19 infections as water crisis deepens.

Fuata Nyayo in South B, Nairobi

Residents of South-B ward are at great risk of covid-19 spread as taps have run dry for the last two weeks. This has affected over 30,000 residents.

Residents say despite struggling to pay bills, they've have not got access to water for domestic uses including drinking, and are now finding it hard to maintain the hygiene standards required to keep covid-19 away.

Shops and eateries are finding it impossible to operate safely as water is extremely scarse. They depend on water vendors who sell water at unbearable prices.

Most affected areas include Fuata Nyayo, Kisii village, Kayaba, commercial among others.

Commercial center in South B

The entire blame seems to be directed to the Nairobi Metropolitan Service which recently took over key services from the county government.

The agency was formed to specifically "improve service delivery" to the people of Nairobi, but the situation at South B and most parts of Nairobi shows the agency is already achieving the opposite.

With South B already reporting active Coronavirus cases, it is prudent that the matter is confronted swiftly.

The area MCA Herman Hazangu said he's following up the matter to ensure the water supply problem is solved  soonest.

The national government should direct a section of the covid-19 response funds to improving access to water in the affected parts of Nairobi. This will boost the hygiene standards, especially in informal settlements amid the pandemic. This should be a top priority.

The Vic Report


  1. Tragic! I hope they solve this soon

  2. It's really sad especially with this pandemic. I hope the MCA keeps to his word.

  3. Too bad Especially at this time that we're vulnerable to covid 19..the government should be quicker to respond as opposed to frequent pressers

  4. Of all things water should not be missing even a bit..the MCA's of those areas should take a serious action

  5. Water is a basic necessity so let the area MCA work hand in hand with the county government to solve the issue


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