How the hustler Nation will make Ruto President

 Going by statistics, Raila Odinga has always got enough votes to make him President. He's a master mobilizer who has built a solid following who would be willing to vote for him to the last man if they can be assured of a Free and fair play ground. His is all about having the establishment influence a fair outcome and he would be at satehouse. Ruto his closest competitor on the other hand has been able to rally millions under his hustler nation brand of politics. He has made them believe that his government if elected will lift the poor, lowly and down trodden economically out of poverty into active players in the economy. This puts him at an advantage being these people following Ruto under the Hustler nation are united by a common ideology that the government has neglected them and that only Ruto understands and identifies with them and through him, their lives will change economically. DP William Ruto is electable but he wouldn't beat Raila Odinga through votes in a free and Fair election. The only way he can be President is through a movement e.g the hustler movement. Whenever he says he's ready for the deep state, it's because he knows nothing can stop a movement. A movement knows no tribe, religion, political party or any other factor that determines how people vote. It's all about the ideology and a common enemy. This is why Ruto can get votes everywhere because he has formed a cult which believes he will end their misery. Steve Biko of South Africa successfully fought black segregation using the Black Consciousness Movement. He never came looking for votes, but for people who believed that Africans abroad and at home had to be respected and treated with dignity. He attracted a huge following based on the idea and the common enemy. As at his death, millions of blacks had realized their worth and none could be treated as dogs like before. Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso  never rose to power through Ordinary votes. He created a common ideology of self reliance and a common enemy of imperialism. People then  believed in him and it became a movement. The movement then made him President as its sole leader through the Burkinabe' Revolution.  A movement is so powerful that if it's ill intentioned may lead a nation to the Dogs. I'm convinced that the Hustler movement has a cult following but I hope we won't be brainwashed into voting Ruto. It's clear he doesn't have genuine intentions. It's all a hoax. Ruto is the worst Kenya can ever have in all aspects and public intellectuals have opined to this effect.  But with the Hustler movement, he can achieve anything.  Bitter Truth from a Raila Odinga die hard. Dr. Martin Luther King fought racism in the US and won a nobel peace prize because he had a movement which believed everyone was equal regardless of color. He used peaceful methods to create awareness and over the years, he became a anti-racism Hero. It wasn't about votes and he never contested for election but by his Reformation movement and Ideology of equality, blacks were elected in the US and Obama is Just one among many. In conclusion we can't ignore the power of a movement. Anyone who comes with a movement and is able to attract a following is able to do anything regardless of the intentions. Movements are powerful.


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