Top 5 politicians who will influence 2022 elections.

This year will play a life-changing role in the run up to the 2022 general election. The outcome of the election will greatly be influenced by the actions, strategies and activities of particular politicians who shape the political discourse of the country. While some are fighting to remain in the political limelight, others are in the business of making a come back after being in political cold for years. 

Musalia Mudavadi; The ANC party leader and former deputy premier is spending his 8th year out of government. He has however managed to stay relevant and influence political discussion in the country by his neutral and objective arguments.  He has expressed interest in the Presidency and is currently supporting the BBI for policy reasons and 2022 survival. 

Uhuru Kenyatta; He is President of the Republic of Kenya and Jubilee party leader. He is serving his second term and is expected to retire in 2022. However, after launching the BBI, many have questioned his possibility of retiring being the constitutional change process introduces extra positions which analysists have indicated he is free to seek, except for Presidency. While many expect him to endorse his Deputy to take over from him, indications since the handshake show he is not ready to do so but time will vindicate us on his true intentions about 2022. 

Raila Odinga; After losing presidential election in 2017, the ODM party leader and opposition chief re-emerged through the Handshake with President Kenyatta which bore the BBI. He has not declared interest in the Presidency but many argue that he has hopes in the BBI which may spring him up to contest for Presidency should it sail through. 

Gideon Moi; He is son to former President Daniel Moi, senator for Baringo and KANU party leader. He has a close working relationship with the Kenyattas and the Odingas especially about the BBI. He has not expressed interest in the Presidency but experts explain that he is a favourite for the "deep state" in forming the 2022 political equation. He is key rival to deputy president William Ruto in Rift Valley Politics and is working to remain in the political scene after 2022. 

William Ruto; He is Deputy President of the Republic and Jubilee deputy party leader. He is perceived to have fallen out with his boss the President after the famous 2018 Handshake. Keen on his Presidential ambitions of 2022, Ruto has crafted the Hustler brand of politics and is a sworn critic of the Handshake and all associated with it. He is considered a from runner in the 2022 presidential contest.


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