
Showing posts from January, 2021

Top 5 politicians who will influence 2022 elections.

This year will play a life-changing role in the run up to the 2022 general election. The outcome of the election will greatly be influenced by the actions, strategies and activities of particular politicians who shape the political discourse of the country. While some are fighting to remain in the political limelight, others are in the business of making a come back after being in political cold for years.  Musalia Mudavadi; The ANC party leader and former deputy premier is spending his 8th year out of government. He has however managed to stay relevant and influence political discussion in the country by his neutral and objective arguments.  He has expressed interest in the Presidency and is currently supporting the BBI for policy reasons and 2022 survival.  Uhuru Kenyatta; He is President of the Republic of Kenya and Jubilee party leader. He is serving his second term and is expected to retire in 2022. However, after launching the BBI, many have questioned his possibility of retiring

Let's help the children smile again

2020 has been a devastating year not only for working adults but also young Learners whose lives turned around over night at the discovery of the first COVID-19 case in Kenya.  Children had to be confined within the walls of the home for longer hours due to movement restrictions in combating the virus. They were denied a fundamental opportunity to play and catch up with their peers as stigma about the disease increased by the day. For many, They nolonger accessed usual childly needs as parental income greatly reduced due to economic impacts of the disease. It has been paradise turned hell for them. Smiles were replaced with sadness and silent depression.  I feel for children who had to experience the dark side of marriage violence as partners who couldn't put up together longer that usual resorted to violence in solving their differences. This had a traumatic effect on children and the psychological torture could follow them for days into the future. COVID-19 provided an environmen

Homework that ODM needs to do in 2021

The Raila Odinga led  orange party is no doubt the biggest political party in Kenya. We can trace its roots back to the 2005 referendum in which Raila was opposed to the proposed constitutional change. He converted the opposing wing into a political party, ODM.  ODM thrived through 2013 and 2017 elections. In 2018,  ODM found itself in a handshake which now looks like a political pact between Odinga's party and the ruling Jubilee party led by President Kenyatta. The collaboration has manifested in many ways, the latest being Msambweni parliamentary by-election  where Ruto's independent candidate won against the ODM cum handshake candidate. This put ODM on the political radar, attracting profound negative perceptions about the party's influence not only in coast politics but also national politics. ODM Lost lost the third By-election after Embakasi south and Ugenya.  A single election shouldn't be used to measure the party's nation wide influence but a loss in a perc