I don't know how many Kenyans believes in the idea that "in Politics nothing happens by chance,if it happens, it was planned that way" but nonetheless, I believe strongly in this.The recents happenings in the nation from Arrest of Sonko,life threat allegations by Dr.Mutua and impeachment of Babayao are key political events that its wise we gave them a political look.On the claims by the decorated Governor of Machakos Daktari Mutua that The DP William Ruto has threatened his life is nothing to me but a continuation of a political mission that he had clearly began sometimes back,the Official mission to Break Ruto into peaces, I'm not just sure if it his his mission or its someone trying to accomplish the mission through him and if he succeeds who wins biggest,but since he is always a self spoken man,I'll assume this his official personal mission, and being a personal mission makes its very close to impossible because of the following observations I've made;
Mutua is an aspiring head of state come 2022,so far its only him and Ruto who have declared publicly and seriously interest in the Big seat,therefore Mutua is seeing a big opponent in Ruto,,maybe banking on the probability that Raila Odinga doesn't feature on the ballot so he tries "helping" Raila fight Ruto so as to gain Baba's support for 2022,either by alliances or Goodwill.He seeks to have Raila's favour on time so that even if he doesn't get the top seat the "expanded" executive he has been preaching will accommodate him.This is the main reason why Ruto is a thorn in Daktari's flesh.Here is how the mission has been unfolding; Kenyans have not forgotten the enthusiasm with which Mutua among other Ukambani leaders including Ngilu and Prof.Kibwana threw their weight to campaign for Imran against the Ruto man Mariga.According to me,this is a political goal he was trying to score,,by forging a working relationship/friendship with the ODM party, he hopes to have a soft spot at Orange house with hopes of future collaborations for Political gains, and this still all in the name of breaking Ruto to peaces,I don't know if this will work but we are yet to see.
Recently the outspoken former Machakos senator Johnstone Muthama hinted at possibilities of Ruto working together with the Kamba Kingpin Kalonzo Musyoka ahead of 2022 alliances,,this is a threat to Mutua's ambitions since a KaloRuto collaboration will subdue his numbers at his Ukambani backyard, numbers which he needs to consolidate so that he is Better placed for the national contest,,its for this reason he has been spending all his time behind media cameras smearing mud on Kalonzo's name and I quote him from K24's punchline saying "Kalonzo is a successful politician but he would have done better for his Kamba people" meaning according to me he has hopes of displacing Kalonzo as the Ukambani Kingpin and if he does,the biggest perceived loser is Ruto,again to me this is close to impossible because he is executing his plans based on speculations and political paranoia,but I'd advice him to bring together all the Ukambani leaders together to rally behind him,failure to which he should forget about kingpin ship, fighting Kalonzo may not earn him the Ukambani Kingpin position.
Not long ago,,an afraid Mutua stormed social media with claims that Duale,Murkomen and Dp Ruto have threatened his life, as if this is not enough, he holds a press conference and insists to Kenyans that Ruto is after his life,but looking at the claims,it boils down to nothing but breaking Ruto to peaces, a mission he had began long ago,this was just but a continuation. He hopes to brand Ruto a murderer but fears to call it so,,,if Ruto really had to kill someone, then Mutua is the least he'd go for,because after all,he has bigger names to fight other than just Mutua; in politics they say attention is key,, Mutua is working hard to get the attention by accusing Ruto of wanting to kill him,nonetheless, the claims could be believable but I read mischief when in his arguments, Mutua takes us back to the PEV about the burning of people in church and Assassination of Jacob Juma,,why does he do this and of what relevance does it have to his life threat claims,,what does he want us to think if not linking Ruto to the dirty past..Kenyans this is simple, Mutua is out to fight Ruto but unfortunately his moves are predictable and ill defined,,fighting the wrong person for the wrong reasons is political suicide.This is his workplan;When he succeeds to depopularize Ruto,it's Raila and the BBI that wins and since he is keen on gaining the favour of Baba and the Orange House, his hopes are placed for the Presidency or being part of the "expanded executive" he has been pushing for.Mutua is on a big political mission, but sorry to say its an impossible one,unless he stops fighting Ruto,someone who is not on his way In the first place.

Patience Victor Oyuko
Resident Political analyst.


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