
Showing posts from March, 2018


Following the appointment of DPP Keriako Tobiko as CS Environment and Forestry, the Public Service Commission was tasked with the duty to shortlist and interview candidates for the position. After successful interviews by a select panel chaired by University of Nairobi Don Dr.Elizabeth Muli.With all said and done 3 names were submitted to the President and Noordin Haji picked for vetting by the Parliament. But why would I say No to Mr.Haj who is former deputy director National Security intelligence service? 1.Who is Haj,we may know him as a lawyer by proffession but on matters prosecution, philosophy of ethics,background experience and achievements, we tend to ask a lot of questions.On what criteria was he nominated not to mention his ability to work in the public interest. Other candidates like Dorcus Odour would be better placed regarding the above factors. 2.Haj happens to be brotherto a sitting senator who is very close to the government. I would not be wrong to raise the is


Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino is no new name in the ears of many Kenyans.From a humble background back at Kisumu to a national figure that is an headache to the government of the day is not enough to describe his person.Lining up achievements after another,an aspiring Babu Owino would ask how?Well,his aggressiveness speaks it most but we ought to be more specific on how to be Babu Owino,from campus to Parliament. In this column I give you three key steps explaining the same.Feel free to drop your comments at the end of the column; Kenya went to the ballot on the 8th Of August 2017 and among those elected was former UoN Students Organisation of Nairobi University boss – the indefatigably incorrigible – Babu Owino. Following his election into parliament as MP for Nairobi’s Embakasi East, most university students (especially those interested in politics) have begun looking for ways on how to follow his footsteps. Lesson 1 Arm yourself with a lot of extra, big-sounding English words th