
Showing posts from September, 2021

How the hustler Nation will make Ruto President

 Going by statistics, Raila Odinga has always got enough votes to make him President. He's a master mobilizer who has built a solid following who would be willing to vote for him to the last man if they can be assured of a Free and fair play ground. His is all about having the establishment influence a fair outcome and he would be at satehouse. Ruto his closest competitor on the other hand has been able to rally millions under his hustler nation brand of politics. He has made them believe that his government if elected will lift the poor, lowly and down trodden economically out of poverty into active players in the economy. This puts him at an advantage being these people following Ruto under the Hustler nation are united by a common ideology that the government has neglected them and that only Ruto understands and identifies with them and through him, their lives will change economically. DP William Ruto is electable but he wouldn't beat Raila Odinga through votes in a free an