
Showing posts from December, 2019


DR.ALFRED MUTUA'S MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. I don't know how many Kenyans believes in the idea that "in Politics nothing happens by chance,if it happens, it was planned that way" but nonetheless, I believe strongly in this.The recents happenings in the nation from Arrest of Sonko,life threat allegations by Dr.Mutua and impeachment of Babayao are key political events that its wise we gave them a political look.On the claims by the decorated Governor of Machakos Daktari Mutua that The DP William Ruto has threatened his life is nothing to me but a continuation of a political mission that he had clearly began sometimes back,the Official mission to Break Ruto into peaces, I'm not just sure if it his his mission or its someone trying to accomplish the mission through him and if he succeeds who wins biggest,but since he is always a self spoken man,I'll assume this his official personal mission, and being a personal mission makes its very close to impossible because of the