
Showing posts from July, 2017


It not only pains me,but also uncalled for to hear the Presidency through the DP Ruto openly dismiss the Truth Justice and reconciliation Commission report.Having in mind that the presidency is a symbol of national unity whose key mandate should be based on Justice and reconciliation. Ruto clearly shows as  new definition of history as in; "history is a set of lies agreed upon" Leaving that aside,it's important to give a recarp of what I am trying to drive home. Nobody needs reminding of the reason for the existence of the truth commission. However, I will do so. The commission is a product of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Act. The Act was legislated in 2008 on the premise of, among others, the fact that the history of Kenya was riddled with contested claims on certain occurrences and why they happened. The commission was tasked with establishing the extent of injustice and its sources in Kenya’s post-independence history: that is, from December 12, 1963 u